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Results of the BOOT CAMP #5 Call for Applications | ACF ACADEMY – Cameroon 2024
ACF ACADEMY is a pan-African program dedicated to the professionalization and enhancement of art professions in Africa. Initiated by the African Culture Fund (ACF), this incubation and support program targets young visual artists and cultural managers. Its goal is to...
The African Culture Fund (ACF) closed its 14th call for proposals, SOFACO BATCH #5", on April 15, 2024. This call received 427 applications, including 320 from French-speaking countries and 107 from English-speaking countries, from 46 African nations. The selection...
Results of the BOOT CAMP #4 Call for Applications – Central Africa || Yaounde 2023
ACF ACADEMY is a pan-African program aimed at professionalizing and strengthening art professions in Africa. It is an incubation and support program for young visual artists and cultural managers, established by the African Culture Fund (ACF). Its objective is to...
Results of the LEWO Boot camp call for applications
On November 25, 2022, the African Culture Fund (ACF) closed the call for applications for the LEWO Boot Camp, dedicated exclusively to leadership training for female artists and cultural entrepreneurs from Central and West Africa. At the closing date, 210 applications...
Results of Call for Proposals #11 “Performing Arts – Cinema – Visual Arts”
The African Culture Fund (ACF) closed on September 16, 2022, its 11th special call for proposals "Performing Arts, Cinema - Audiovisual, Visual Arts". At the close of the call, 1,473 applications were registered, including 876 French-speaking files and 597...
Results of the 2nd Call for applications of the ACF ACADEMY – Special “Visual arts” | Northern Africa
As part of its ACF ACADEMY Program, the African Culture Fund (ACF) in partnership with the contemporary art center "Le 32 BIS" in Tunis, and with the support of the Swiss Cooperation in Mali, launched in March 2022 the call for applications for the recruitment of the...
Results of the SOFACO Batch No.4 Call for Proposals “Special Covid-19/Individual Artists”
The African Culture Fund' s Call for proposals dedicated to the Solidarity Fund for Artists and Cultural Organizations in Africa (SOFACO), Batch No. 4 "Special Covid-19 / Individual Artists" was launched on November 05, 2021, and was closed on December 05. The main...
Results of the 1st Call for applications of the ACF ACADEMY program – BOOT CAMP #1: “Cultural management” | West Africa
ACF ACADEMY is a pan-African program for the professionalization and strengthening of crafts in Africa. It's a program of incubation and support for young visual artists and cultural managers set up by the African Culture Fund (ACF), and which aims to stimulate and...
Results of the SOFACO Call for Proposals Lot 3 “Special Covid-19/ Indivudual Artists & Cultural organizations”
African Culture Fund (ACF) is a continental funding mechanism for cultural projects in Africa. The African Culture Fund (ACF) call for proposals for the Solidarity Fund for Artists and Cultural Organizations in Africa (SOFACO), Lot n°3 "Special Covid-19/ Individual...
African Culture Fund is launching this July 2, 2021 its pan-African program of capacity building of artists and cultural actors of the continent ACF ACADEMY, through the bootcamps of North Africa (Tunis ) and west Africa (Segou).
African Culture Fund is launching this July 2, 2021 its pan-African program of capacity building of artists and cultural actors of the continent ACF ACADEMY, through the bootcamps of North Africa (Tunis ) and west Africa (Segou).