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Application Guidelines
The African Culture Fund is a pan-African organization that aims to support the professionalization of the cultural and creative sector of African countries through innovative artistic projects that it finances.
Pour être éligibles, les candidats doivent remplir les conditions suivantes :
- Be an African artist or cultural actor or from the African diaspora, an artistic or cultural organization or association established in Africa or cooperating on African projects with at least one African organization and having at least three years of experience;
- Have a structure or be a member of an artistic or cultural organization or association;
- Have a legal status (organizations);
- Present a structuring project in response to the call for projects.

ACF does not accept applications submitted by:
- Members of the board of directors, their business partners or members of their family.
- ACF staff, business partners or family members.
- Members of the award committee for the current year.