Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Call for Proposals ACF # 2 – Performing Arts and Visual Arts
- I speak a language other than French and English. I would like to know if it’s necessary to send my application in English and if so should I also translate my curriculum vitae into English?
Applications are submitted in French or English. All documents not in these two languages must be translated into English or French. In your case, it is necessary that your CV be translated into English.
- Is it possible to submit two different projects by a single project carrier? Also, is it possible to apply for both lots at once?
There is no limitation on the number of projects per carrier. However, only one project will be retained per carrier.
It is allowed to apply for both lots at the same time but certainly not with the same project unless it is a transversal project.
- Are individual projects accepted or do we need to be a legal entity to apply?
To be eligible, applicants must be an African artist or cultural actor, an artistic and / or cultural organization or association established in Africa or cooperating on African projects with at least one African organization and having at least three years of experience.
- How to apply as we are two Artists on the project.
You need to designate between you two a project carrier or project manager.
- Can a cinema audiovisual training school like mine apply?
Any legal person established in Africa and involved in the cultural and creative sector is eligible under this call.
- The $ 10,000 is the ceiling of the budget per project or will it be distributed for all the projects that will be selected?
The maximum budget to be granted per selected project is US $ 10,000.
- Is there an age limit for applying to African Culture Fund?
There is no age limit, however the fund pays special attention to projects presented by young people and women.
- Is traditional 2D or 3D animation cinema or stop-motion technology part of this call of the Fund?
This second call concerns the activities and projects of creation, production and dissemination of visual arts works as well as capacity building in the fields of visual arts (traditional visual arts, photography, video arts, digital art, decorative arts (textile art, design, marquetry …), etc.) and performing arts (music, theater and dance).
- Can an application be submitted without being affiliated with a production company?
You do not need to be affiliated with a production company to be eligible for this call.
- Is it possible to apply to this call for applications as a natural person?
Yes. Both natural and legal persons are eligible for this call.
- Can we reintroduce the same project submitted to ACF’s first call for the second call?
In principle yes. However, it is desirable to seek to improve the quality of your project by scrupulously following the terms of reference of this second call.
- Can we know how to apply for this call for projects? If there is a form for that?
Practical information to apply for this call for proposals is available on the ACF website:
The applications are made through an online application form via the following link:
- What does “Support Material” mean? Letters of commitment, letters of agreement or other texts?
This is any document or file needed to support your application and allow jury members to better understand and appreciate your project including certificates of recognition, recommendation, participation, completion, etc. or any links to a visual documentation (photo or video) about your past activities.