Make a Donation Are you eligible ? Make a donation ACF Art Gallery The African Culture FundDonate Donation Amount: $ 10.00 $10.00$20.00$30.00 Select Payment Method Offline Donation Stripe - Credit Card Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * To donate offline, please follow these instructions: Make a check payable to "The African Culture Fund" Do not forget to specify the order of the check : « The African Culture Fund » Please send your check to the following address : Bamako, Faso Kanu-Sogoniko district, Rue 80 Porte 186 All contributions will be considered with pleasure and are tax deductible. Donation Total: $10.00 Presentation Mission & Vision Fund administrators Annual report Contact Call for projects Eligibility Jury ResultsLegal notice Funding ressourcesDonorsArt GalleryShopSite map FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow