Ambassadors of the Fund
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ACF Ambassadors
ACF Ambassadors are African personalities of good will, Pan-Africanists and enjoying public notoriety, good morality and probity, and a certain continental and international influence. They are the women and men who promote cultural patronage in Africa and who are committed to the African creative sector. The Fund currently has twelve (12) ambassadors from three (03) regions of the African continent (Northern Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa). The ultimate goal is to have ambassadors in all regions of the continent.

Secretary General – Fondation pour le Développement de la Culture Contemporaine Africaine

Dr. Willie F. Logan
President of the American company Opa-locka

Nabou FALL
Entrepreneur, Coach & Writer

Siriki KY

Art Collector

Mossadeck BALLY
Founder & CEO of AZALAÏ Hotels Group

Yacouba Konaté
Art critic
Côte d’Ivoire

Visual Artist
H.E. Abdoulaye Diop is a diplomat, a skilled negotiator and a confirmed mediator with more than 20 years of experience. With solid experience and a track record of highly strategic and political positions at the national and international levels, Abdoulaye Diop holds a Masters in International Relations from the International School of Public Administration (Paris, France). He was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mali. He served as Special Advisor to the Executive Secretary of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), a specialized agency of the African Union. H.E. Abdoulaye Diop recently served as Chief of Staff to the President of the African Union Commission. He has served as Ambassador of Mali to the United States, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. He holds an honorary Doctorate of Public Service from Chatham University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Founder and creative director of Retro Africa, a gallery in Abuja, Nigeria, Dolly Kola-Balogun is also a hotelier and a champion of artists from across Africa. Working with those at the forefront of art across the continent, Dolly is working as a consultant for the Kwara State government too, helping to create a new contemporary art institution that will open at the end of this year and which is set to be on par with Zeitz MOCAA. Passionate about promoting art from across Africa, Dolly is working to bridge the curatorial divide between Anglophone and Francophone West Africa and has worked on exhibitions that took place at Documenta 14 in Kassel and Germany, and is present at fairs internationally.
VIYE DIBA (Senegal / Sénégal)
Viyé Diba est un peintre sénégalais contemporain et professeur d’art. Il fait partie de la deuxième génération de l’ « École de Dakar ». Il a été Président de l’association nationale des artistes plasticiens du Sénégal (ANAPS), membre fondateur de la biennale de Dakar, membre du conseil scientifique de la biennale de sa création à maintenant. Il figure dans plusieurs publications, livres, catalogues et films, comme des collections importantes dont le Brooklyn Museum of art (New York), Fowler Museum (Los Angeles), Smithsonian Museum (Washington)… Il a participé à plusieurs biennales dont celles de Dakar et de Johannesburg, et a été invité officiel de la biennale de la Documenta de Kassel, Havane, Le Caire, etc. Il a été Commissaire et directeur artistique de plusieurs projets sur le plan continental et international et a reçu plusieurs distinctions notamment Membre d’honneur du barreau national des États-Unis, Chevalier des arts et lettre de la République française, Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Lion et du mérite du Sénégal, Grand prix Léopold Sédar Senghor de la Biennale de Dakar en 1998, Citoyen d’honneur du Prince George’s County Maryland (USA.
Graduated in Computer Engineering option systems and communication networks from the Ecole Supérieur de Génie Informatique de Paris, Nabou Fall also holds a master’s degree in finance and business organization from ISG Paris as well as a certificate in female leadership from Harvard Business School. Nabou Fall has been Managing Director of Vizeo since 2007. Executive and certified coach in personal development, she regularly intervenes on subjects such as youth and women entrepreneurship as well as leadership, marketing, communication and innovation in several countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Gabon, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger… Since September 2018, she is also the President of the Women Investment Club in Côte d’Ivoire
Abdoulaye Konaté a étudié la peinture à l’Institut National des Arts de Bamako puis à l’Institut Supérieur d’Art de La Havane (Cuba). Konaté tend vers une réappropriation des ressources plastiques endogènes. Il utilise des matériaux tels que le textile, les œufs, le sable. Par l’insertion d’objets comme des gris-gris, des balles et des vêtements usagés, il dote ses toiles d’une troisième dimension : celle de la profondeur. Les thèmes d’Abdoulaye Konaté s’inspirent de l’actualité géopolitique. Son travail interroge les problèmes du racisme, de la corruption politique, des conflits ethnico religieux. L’artiste a exposé dans le monde entier et dans les plus grandes biennales du monde, dont l’actuelle édition de la Biennale de Venise. Ses œuvres sont également montrées à «Metropolis Afrique Capitales» au Grand Halles de la Villette (2017). En 2016, Abdoulaye Konaté a exposé au Musée Arken de Copenhague, au Danemark. Abdoulaye vit et travaille à Bamako. Il a dirigé le Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers Multimédia Balla Fasseké Kouyaté de Bamako, pendant plus d’une dizaine d’année.
Willie F. Logan
Willie F. Logan is one of the founders of the Opa-locka Community Development Corporation (OLCDC) and has served as its CEO and President since 1980. In addition to his work with the OLCDC, Logan has served in the House of representatives from Florida from 1982 to 2000. and was elected Democratic President-Elect from 1998 to 2000. He also served as Mayor of the City of Opa-locka from 1980 to 1982. Logan received his Ph.D. in Community Economic Development from Southern New Hampshire University and his M.B.A. and BA in Accounting from the University of Miami, where he is an adjunct faculty member in the School of Architecture.