Fund focal points Are you eligible ? Make a donation ART OF AFRICA GALLERY The African Culture FundFund focal points FOCAL POINTS Andre LE ROUX Managing Director of IKS CULTURAL CONSULTING Southern Africa Focal Point SOUTH AFRICA Wadi MHIRI Visual Artist Northern Africa Focal Point TUNISIA Robert NANTCHOUANG International consultant Central Africa Focal Point CAMEROON Jean-Luc Gbati SONHAYE Cultural entrepreneur West Africa Focal Point TOGO Alphonse TOUGOUMA Cultural entrepreneur Burkina Faso Focal Point George EDOZIE Visual Artist Nigéria Focal Point Contact Us Name E-mail address Message 15 + 5 = Send PresentationMission & VisionFund administratorsAnnual reportContact Call for projectsEligibilityJuryResultsLegal notice Funding ressourcesDonorsArt GalleryShopSite map FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow