SAHEL ART’ICIPATION – A “special INCLUSION” call for proposals




The Sahelian area faces many challenges in terms of social inclusion and the exercise of fundamental rights, in particular for women, youth, marginalized people and people with disabilities. With the aim of remedying this situation and fostering a more equitable and inclusive society, a call for proposals is launched for the funding of artistic projects focused on inclusion in this region.

The objective of this call for proposals is to support innovative and creative artistic initiatives that enable women, youth, marginalized people and people with disabilities to fully participate in the cultural, social and artistic life of the Sahelian area.

Projects funded under this call for proposals must be designed in a way that promotes genuine inclusion and overcomes the barriers that hinder the active participation of these groups in artistic and cultural life. Projects can address various artistic fields such as music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature, and many others.

The “Special Inclusion” call for proposals aims to mobilize cultural actors in the Sahelian area to work together for social inclusion and the promotion of fundamental rights. It encourages innovation, collaboration and capacity building for artists in difficult situations.

By supporting these inclusive artistic projects, we aim to create positive and lasting changes in the lives of women, youth, marginalized and disabled people, by providing them opportunities for participation, personal development and recognition of their artistic talents.

The “Special Inclusion” call for proposals is an opportunity to support artistic projects that convey the values ​​of inclusion and fundamental rights, thus contributing to the construction of a more equitable, diverse Sahelian society that respects the dignity of all its people.


To be eligible, applicants must meet the following conditions:

  • Be an artist or cultural actor from one of the African countries of the Sahelian region (see point 3 for the list of Sahel countries);
  • Have a local or place of work / creation;
  • Possess an artist card or any other similar document;
  • Have a moral guarantee, a certificate of sponsorship from a personality of art and culture (Click here to download the certificate template);
  • Present a project to create an artistic work related to the objectives of this call.

For this call for projects, the ACF supports applications for funding artistic projects focused on inclusion. This is a creation aid for artists in difficult situations, aimed at strengthening their capacity for resilience. Projects can address all artistic fields such as music, dance, theatre, visual arts, literature, etc.

This call covers all countries of the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Chad). For any request made, the budget granted by the ACF is 2,000 (two thousand) Euros maximum per project. The funding covers a period between 4 months minimum and 6 months maximum.

The application selection procedure has six (06) steps:

  1. Registration of applications;
  2. Administrative review of applications;
  3. Evaluation by the award committee (Jury);
  4. Approval of the list of selected projects;
  5. Reception and analysis of the administrative documents of the selected candidates;
  6. Approval of grant allocation.

Applications will be evaluated by an independent selection committee made up of professionals working in the African cultural sector and familiar with the artistic realities in the different African regions.

The selection committee evaluates applications based on:

  • Relevance and adequacy: Assessment of the relevance of the project in relation to the objectives of the call for proposals.
  • Objectives and expected results: Assessment of the clarity and coherence of the project’s objectives, as well as the expected results in terms of inclusion, awareness, empowerment and enjoyment of fundamental rights by the beneficiaries.
  • The methodological approach: Evaluation of the methodological approach of the project, including the description of the planned activities, the implementation strategy, the partnerships envisaged, community participation and the sustainability of the actions undertaken.
  • Innovation and creativity: Assessment of the originality, innovation and creativity of the proposal, taking into account the use of arts and culture as a means of promoting social inclusion and empowerment target groups.
  • Experience and capabilities: Assessment of the applicant’s experience and capabilities to successfully implement the project.

The ACF will sign a contract with the beneficiary of the grant which will include information on the activities to be carried out, the amount of the grant, the terms of payment and the reports.

  • Approved projects will be funded in one (01) installment;
  • 100% of the grant, upon signature of the contract.
Activities Deadline
Start of announcement June 05, 2023
Deadline for admissibility of requests for clarification June 19, 2023
Deadline for clarification by ACF June 30, 2023
Deadline for submission of proposals July 10, 2023

Applicants must fully complete the submission form downloadable at the following link:

Applicants must then save the completed form in PDF format and send it to the African Culture Fund at the following email address:

Warning: cultural organizations are not concerned by this call.

  • Applications can be submitted in French or English.
  • The deadline for submitting proposals is July 10, 2023 at midnight GMT.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • The results will be disseminated on the ACF website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram).

Only successful candidates will be contacted by the ACF. The latter will then have to provide all the administrative documents mentioned above.
