Visual Arts & Cultural Management



(Ségou, Mali)



The issue of creation, production and exchange of African contemporary artworks is more and more raised and debated within African and international bodies. It is now established that there are talents and creators of great quality in Africa. However, it is also established that most of the young artists express more and more the need to be accompanied in the process of hatching of their creativity and in their professionalization process.

In terms of professionalization, it has been demonstrated and accepted that professionals in the African cultural and creative sectors need to strengthen their technical skills in cultural management.

This is the rationale for the missions of the African Culture Fund (ACF), whose strategic priorities 1, 2 and 3 are respectively the development of skills, creation and artistic production and access to international markets.

Consequently, the African Culture Fund (ACF) has set up an incubation and support program for young visual artists and cultural managers, around five (05) poles of artistic and cultural excellence called ACF-ACADEMY, in all African regions: Northern Africa (Tunisia), Central Africa (Kinshasa), Western Africa (Mali), Southern Africa (Johannesburg), Eastern Africa (Seychelles and Kenya). It is a project of professionalization and reinforcement of the professions arts in Africa.

The 18-month pilot phase of the project (2021-2022) will bring together 25 young visual artists and cultural managers, 50% of whom will be women, selected through a rigorous and selective process to join the program in order to strengthen their technical, creative and competitive capacities. 

It is within this framework that the African Culture Fund launches this call for applications, in partnership with the Kôrè Institute (IKAM) and with the support of the Swiss Cooperation in Mali, in order to select 16 young cultural managers from West Africa to take part in the BOOT CAMP No.1 planned in Ségou.


Objectives of the call

This call aims to contribute to the capacity building in cultural management for sixteen (16) young West African cultural managers (8 women and 8 men) through the implementation of a BOOT CAMP (training camp) in partnership with the Kôrè Institute (IKAM) in Ségou over a period of two (2) weeks.

ACF ACADEMY programs will be certified by the Kôrè Institute (IKAM) of Mali.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Professional Aptitude called Kôrè-Quality at the end of the ACF ACADEMY training programs, which equips them with the requisite skills to professionalize their trade in the fields of Visual Arts and Cultural Management. The Kôrè-Quality Certificate is recognized by the IKAM network and their partners from all regions of Africa.


Contents of the Boot camp 1 | Cultural Management

This is the first boot camp in collaboration with the Kôrè Institute (IKAM) in Ségou, which will equip the participants with innovative educational content, coaching and mentoring focused on specific skills in managing and structuring of cultural enterprises. Coaching and mentoring are provided by experienced professionals from all African regions.

The training sessions of this first boot camp will last two weeks under the supervision of IKAM coaches and mentors who will guide the trainees throughout the program.

The following modules will be taught: Marketing of Cultural and Creative Products, Event Communication, Management and Structuring of Cultural Enterprises and Arts Fundraising, Maaya Cultural Entrepreneurship: Introduction, Maaya Mindset | Maaya Attitude & Collective Intelligence, ECM: The New Entrepreneurial Perspective | Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Arts & Maaya | The Maaya Code.

General conditions of eligibility

ACF in partnership with IKAM is launching this call for applications targeting young cultural actors/entrepreneurs in West Africa who meet the following criteria:

  • Between 21 and 40 years old.
  • Private cultural actor and/or operator.
  • National of one of the West African countries.
  • Possess/manage a cultural enterprise and/or a cultural event with at least 03 years of experience.
  • Available to participate in the various training and networking sessions organized as part of this pilot phase of ACF-ACADEMY.



The ACF-ACADEMY program covers the participation costs of the candidates for the entire duration of the Boot Camp (international transportation, accommodation, catering, intercity travel).

Interested candidates to this program should send their application by e-mail to the African Culture Fund (ACF) and to the Kôrè Institute (IKAM) (see contacts below).

The application should include:

  1. Curriculum Vitae of the young entrepreneur.
  2. Cover letter.
  3. Copy of the identity card or other equivalent documents.
  4. Copy of the documents pertaining to the cultural enterprise (receipt, trade register or economic operator card, statutes, etc.).
  5. Brief presentation of the cultural enterprise and/or the cultural project.
  6. Copy of the most recent activity report (maximum 2020).




The application selection procedure will follow five (05) steps:

  1. Registration and filing of applications.
  2. Administrative check of applications.
  3. Evaluation by the selection committee (Jury).
  4. Approval of the list of selected applications.
  5. Proclamation of the list of successful applications.

Applications will be evaluated by an independent selection committee including experts and professionals working in the cultural sector and familiar with the artistic and cultural realities in West Africa.

The selection committee will evaluate the applications using four (04) criteria:

  1. Commitment / Motivation of the cultural manager.
  2. Technical quality and originality of the cultural project or enterprise.
  3. Project economic or business model.
  4. Experience / background of the cultural manager or organization.

Date and deadline for applications

Applications will be received from August 12 to September 12, 2021.

NB: The boot camp is scheduled from November 25 to December 4, 2021




Head office : Magnambougou Rue 314 Porte 76 Bamako – Mali /
+223 20 20 43 45

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