The “Les femmes s’exposent” project by Association Pixel (ALGERIA) | Call #11

Project description:

« Les femmes s’exposent » is a photo festival aimed at showing the importance of women in this sector.

This project is an original female cultural and artistic creation in Algeria, which will use photography as a vehicle for encounters and exchanges.

The event will revolve around several activities: photographic exhibition, “theoretical and practical” workshops, photo competitions, interviews. A rich program provided by specialists (professional photographer trainers, tourist guides, bloggers and photo editors, etc.). Bringing together different generations and different cultures represented by women, the project’s objective is to create a dynamic of dialogue and exchange, of which the photographic practice would be the main tool.

(Ongoing project).

Find out one of the previous projects of the association

Organization’s presentation:

The mission of the Pixel association is to spread the culture of photography by improving the capacities of enthusiasts of this art, through: the organization of workshops and exhibitions; educational support for young people in their career as future photographers; stays and artistic residences or even archaeological and astronomical photographic outings for researchers and sky enthusiasts.

For the other arts and sciences, the association offers portrait sessions, but also audiovisual creation, for artists, musicians and actors.