The first call for proposals of the African Culture Fund (ACF) dedicated to the visual arts was launched on October 08, 2018, and closed on December 05, 2018.
At the closing date, 446 projects were registered, including 238 applications from individuals and 208 from organizations.
438 projects come from 34 African countries and 8 projects come from the African diaspora based in 6 countries around the world: Australia, Finland, France, Italy, United Kingdom, and Yemen.
The selection process went through three phases: the registration and analysis of the candidate files which made it possible to register and classify the files according to their nature (individuals or institutions), the administrative verification of the files by a reading committee, and the evaluation and final selection by an autonomous and independent jury.
The jury composed of Caroline Anande (Tanzania); Joseph Gaylard (South Africa) and Vitshois Bondo (DR Congo), met on February 1 and 2, 2019 to proceed with the final selection and deliberation of the applications.
At the end of the deliberation, 12 projects were selected for funding, including 7 projects by individuals (3 projects presented by women and 4 files presented by men) and 5 projects by cultural organizations. The 12 projects selected come from 11 countries on the African continent (South Africa, Djibouti, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Tunisia, and Uganda).
In addition, 5 projects were selected to constitute the reserve list including 3 projects of individuals and 2 projects of cultural organizations. Proposals included in this reserve list could potentially be awarded a grant, ONLY if one of the 12 beneficiaries is unable to sign the grant contract and/or implement the project within three months of the publication and communication of results.
The African Culture Fund reserves the right to cancel the grant contract or not award all available funds if the beneficiaries are unable to implement their projects according to the selection criteria and guidelines. of the 1st Call.